By Zorian Edwards, Staff Writer
Upon returning to campus, a new system for commuter meal tickets had been put into place for the spring semester. Previous meal tickets from the fall semester are no longer valid.
“All changes were to ensure the appropriate distribution and facilitation of commuter meal tickets,” Miguel Rodriguez, Director of Community Standards & Student Advocacy and advisor to SGA said.
This has sparked confusion in some students.
“I do not know why there was a switch in where meal tickets are available, but it has definitely created a lot of confusion,” freshman graphic design major, Kyla Murphy said. “I think the previous fall meal tickets were a great idea, I appreciated them greatly because I usually had classes that lasted all day and didn’t have time to go home in between so having the tickets helped me save money on food.”
Others seem to understand there could be multiple reasons for this change.
“It makes sense as to why the meal tickets only work so long,” freshman animation major Emily Sciolino said. “I’m pretty sure it’s to help stop those who were copying them and using fake meal tickets.”
Meal tickets can be found in the SGA office on the first floor of the Yurtchuck building, Office 109. Their office hours are as follows: Monday: 11:30 a.m. through 6 p.m., Wednesday: 2:30 p.m. through 3:30 p.m., Thursday: 11 a.m. through 12 p.m., Friday: 12 p.m. through 4 p.m. Commuter meal tickets are also available at SGA’s open forums every other Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in the Alumni Lounge or at their upcoming table event on March 18 at the Yurtchuck north lot.
SGA is looking to expand the opportunities to receive commuter meal tickets in the near future.
“We are going to open it up to CV students who do not have a meal plan,” Rodriguez said during SGA’s open forum held on Feb.18, “Our records say there are only about 10 students that [it] applies to. So an email will go out to them.”
For more information marketing materials have been posted in the Student Affairs Lounge and on the Yurtchuk Student Center lobby televisions. You can contact SGA at or Miguel Rodriguez directly at
“In the future, I think it would be better to communicate more efficiently with students about the meal tickets to clarify everything,” Murphy said. “I was trying to find out where to get the spring tickets and got told to go to many different places and even so I didn’t get any clear answers. I got told they were giving some out last Friday but I got no detail as to where, or when. I appreciate that Daemen is being generous with us commuters, I just believe the way of communicating should be considered better.”