About Us

Instagram account: daemen_insight_newspaper

Editor-in-Chief: Cadence Russell

Cadence is a junior who is majoring in natural sciences, specializing in environmental science, and minoring in biology, history, and global and local sustainability.

Hometown: Austin, TX

Interests: geology and dinosaurs, reading and writing fantasy stories, and maintaining her ever-growing house plant collection.

Out and About Section Editor: Cameron Enders

Cam is a junior business administration with a specialization in marketing with minors in e-commerce and social entrepreneurship.

Hometown: Orchard Park, NY

Interests/Hobbies: He enjoys reading, writing poetry/stories, and is currently writing a poetry book.

News Section Editor: Calvin Dimmig

Calvin is a junior English- professional writing and rhetoric major with a minor in philosophy.

Hometown: Town of Tonawanda, NY

Interests/Hobbies: reading sci-fi and fantasy, obsessing over his fantasy football team, and hanging out with friends.

Faculty Adviser: Margaret Artman

Dr. Artman is an assistant professor of English and the student newspaper adviser.