Daemen’s upcoming Den Project said to be “transformational” for student body
Wick’s Cyber Cafe has gone through various changes throughout the years. From being an actual computer cafe to a small dining lounge, the Cafe has always been accommodating to the Daemen community. And now, new changes are on the horizon. Beginning in May of 2016, Cyber Cafe will be closed down in order for construction to begin on the new Den. These renovations are projected … Continue reading Daemen’s upcoming Den Project said to be “transformational” for student body

Find Out What The Thomas Reynolds Center Really Is
What is the Thomas Reynolds Center anyway? The Thomas Reynolds Center for Special Education & After-School Programs is so much more than any of our students or staff can begin to understand. Often simply referred to as the TRC, the Center offers a unique opportunity for students in their masters year of education that no other college in the entire state offers. The Center provides … Continue reading Find Out What The Thomas Reynolds Center Really Is

Housing Deposits Increase
Daemen residents can expect new housing deposit policies starting this year. These changes are represented in the new $200 deposit that is due on Friday, March 4. This is a $100 increase from recent years. The Director of Housing and Residence Life Danielle Weaver offered a response to the new implements. “The change was made to have a more accurate reflection going into housing selection … Continue reading Housing Deposits Increase

Knowing the artist
Knowing an Artist at Daemen College: Stefan Foster Sections of the article are excerpts from my book, Revive the Ambience (Photography & Visual Works) – Reflection No1. I am a photographer and visual artist, with a specialization in photography focused on abandoned buildings, cemeteries,and other lesser-known sites. I began taking pictures in fifth grade as an amateur -a kid with a camera- but I have … Continue reading Knowing the artist

Studying Hacks: Five Tips to Optimize Studying
A popular Twitter account called Student Problems (@ProblemsAtUni) tweeted, “Study Tip: Stand up. Stretch. Take a walk. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return.” Although this may seem tempting during the midst of midterm week, leaving responsibilities behind is never a good idea. Below are a few studying hacks sure to help ease the stress of studying and maximize remembrance. Tip One: … Continue reading Studying Hacks: Five Tips to Optimize Studying

The Swivl helps education students improve teaching
The Swivl is showing up in education classrooms all over campus, but what is it? The Swivl bears resemblance to a little robot, usually sitting atop a tripod. The Swivl Robot is accompanied by two more devices, a little black box on a string (the “marker”) and an iPad. The marker is placed around the teacher’s or presenter’s neck like a necklace and records the … Continue reading The Swivl helps education students improve teaching